What is the Youth Sugarbeet Project?
How does the Youth Sugarbeet Project work?
The program kicks off with an icebreaker event in March, during which families involved in the project meet. The next event is a summer trip in June. In the past, participants have visited the Toledo Zoo, Frankenmuth Aerial Park and Splash Village, and even Mackinac Island. The trip is followed by Field Day in July where kids are exposed to information about sugarbeets, research, and farm safety, among other topics. While at Field Day, students are tested on the information they learned that day and take part in a practice interview to better prepare them for talking with professionals in the future. Field Day also includes a trip to a sugarbeet field for hands-on learning. It’s a day not to be missed.
Participants also are required to submit a “Participant Project” assignment (completing a scavenger hunt, growing sugarbeets, or taking sugarbeets to show at a county fair) and are given a topic on which to write a report. All participants are graded and the top 20% are awarded for their efforts at Michigan Sugar Company’s annual Youth Sugarbeet Project Awards Banquet that wraps up the project in August. Below is information on how participants are grouped and how they are graded during the course of the program.
Participants are grouped by grade level based on the their current school year:
- Group A — Grades 3-5
- Group B — Grades 6-8
- Group C — Grades 9-12
*Graduating seniors may not participate the summer after their senior year, but at that time can join the Young Farmer Program.
Grading system for Youth Sugarbeet Project:
- Ag Report — 15 points
- Test (group appropriate) — 10 points
- Interview (group appropriate) — 10 points
- Attend and Participate in Field Day — 5 points
- Interview (group appropriate) — 10 points
- Participant Project — 10 points
Total Points Available — 50 points
Youth Website
After you register your child for the Youth Sugarbeet Project, you will receive an email asking you to create a password for your online account. On the Youth Sugarbeet Project website, you will have access to all the documents used throughout the program. You can also upload all required documents and work here. Your login name will be the email address used to register your child. You can access the website by clicking the “Login to Your Account” button.
For more information, send an email to youthproject@michigansugar.com.